Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation
Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation
Dedicated to the legacy of the 625 African American Men victimized in the United States Public Health Service Syphilis Study in Tuskegee/ Macon County, Alabama, 1932 -1972

our mission

Preserve the legacies and history of the 625 men victimized AND UNETHICALLY TREATED in the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972 (USPHSS STUDY), foster social justice, education and public health.


Bianca Alcena, the daughter of Bishop Deirdre Parker Jackson and Reynolds Alcena, is an Eminent Scholar at Tuskegee University majoring in Psychology with a minor in Bioethics.  She was just accepted into Harvard University’s Medical School (Bioethics).  She is a past recipient of a Voices For Our Fathers scholarship and a Community Service scholarship.  The Community Service scholarship was established by the foundation—through the leadership of President Lille Tyson Head, in honor of Bianca’s grandmother, Joyce Pollard Parker Williams, who was the first treasurer for Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation until her passing in 2020. 

In her personal statement to Harvard University, Bianca wrote, “Harvard University is where I desire to give my great-grandfathers, Vertis Pollard and Andrew Swint, the voice that they were not afforded. I genuinely believe that with an education at Harvard, I will experience a transformative intellectual journey that will help ensure the voices of all dehumanized exploited victims are heard and their inalienable rights restored through ethical research in my pursuit of becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor and bio-ethicist”.  Bianca’s statement is reflective of the unethical United States Public Health Service Study of Syphilis in the Negro Male in Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama, 1932-1972. She is a former recipient of a Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation scholarship and is active with the foundation.  She says she plans to use her education in ethical research and academic achievements to give a voice to all victims of unethical treatment in research and healthcare.


The CDC Foundation, in partnership with Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation, recently announced the launch of the Voices Today for Change Tomorrow Scholarship Fund, a program designed to honor the legacy of the men involved in the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male in Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama, 1932-1972.

This scholarship fund is an intentional commitment to move future generations forward, allowing them to honor the life experiences of their ancestors while pursuing innovative solutions across their chosen fields of study. The fund will provide annual merit scholarships to descendants of the study participants and offer administrative support to the Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation.

The CDC Foundation is aiming to raise $5 million to build an endowed scholarship fund to support future generations of study descendants. With your support, we can reach this goal and make a significant impact on the lives of the descendants of the study participants.

Click HERE to visit the CDC Foundation’s website and view a video regarding the story.


September 19, 2024

Thursday September 19, 2024 the 50th Anniversary of the 1974 National Research Act was commemorated; the dedication of a bronze plaque in honor of 625 African American men unethically treated in the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male; and the partnership of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation (VFOFLF). This unprecedented event was held in the National Library of Medicine on the campus of the National Institute of Health Campus. Advancing Trust, Transparency and Health Equity in Biomedical Research was the theme for the event.

Lillie Head said that the day’s event showcased Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation’s partnership with the National Institutes of Health, demonstrated a bold and sincere step forward to provide opportunities that will create, implement and fund purposeful and beneficial health programs. We will work together to demonstrate a strong relationship that will reveal trustworthiness within a system that has for centuries nurtured health inequities and allowed social injustices to the African American communities and to those most marginalized to continue.

Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation Board of Directors members attending were Lillie Head, President – Joyce Christian, Secretary – Janie Holmes, Secretary and Clemmon Julkes, Former Acting Treasurer – Carmen Thornton, Finance Committee Chair - Rev. Roosevelt Baums, Vice President was unable to attend due to illness.

National Institute of Health (NIH) officials speaking were:
NIH Director Monica M. Bertagnolli, M.D.
NIH Principal Deputy Director Dr. Larry Tabak
NIH Division Director for Clinical and Healthcare Research Policy Dr. Adam Berger
NIH Associate Director for Science Policy Dr. Lyric Jorgenson
Acting Director of the National Library of Medicine Dr. Steve Sherry

Health and Human Service Department Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Rachel Levine was unable to attend sent recorded remarks.

Special Guests attending were:
Former Director National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care at Tuskegee University Dr. Rueben Warren
President, Milbank Memorial Fund Mr. Christopher Koller
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Communication Mrs. Hilary Polk
Centers for Disease Control Foundation Mrs. Helene Erenberg
Son Leotis Tyson, wife Shirley, and Wilbert E. and Mark F. Head, Carmen Thornton grandchildren of Freddie Lee Tyson.
Mr. Marlin and Mrs. Cindy Mosby from Somerville, TN. 

National Research Act of 1974 was due to the public outrage to the Untreated Study of Untreated Syphilis Study of the Negro male at Tuskegee and Macon County, AL. The National Research Act of 1974 law was created to protect participants in biomedical research today. 

Dr. Adam Berger stated, “Moving forward, what will remain constant is our commitment to transparency. In keeping with this, we made Untreated Syphilis Study documents publicly available and we’re placing this monument plaque on the NIH campus to shine a light on the injustices of the past so that they are never repeated. This plaque will honor the memory of the 625 African American men who put their trust in the medical establishment and were treated so unethically in return.” 

In Admiral Levine’s recorded speech she apologized on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Service Department for the atrocities caused the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis at Tuskegee and Macon County.

The event was well attended on a beautiful Thursday morning in Bethesda, MD.

September 11 - 12, 2023
Lillie Head and Joyce Christian visited the National Institute of Medicine and researched files from the Library of Medicine on the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama, 1932-1972.

Click HERE to view the NLM announcement.

Click HERE to view the documents available in the Digital Collections of the NIH National Library of Medicine.

The Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation 2024 Academic Scholarship Applications are offered to descendants of the 625 African American men unethically treated in the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male in Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama, 1932-1972.

Voices For Our Fathers Scholarships remember these men's sacrifices and honors their legacies.

Click HERE to go directly to the SCHOLARSHIPS page.

All applicants must complete all sections as directed and submit the Application by or before March 15, 2024.

Contact Bishop Deirdre Parker Jackson, Dr. Kimberly Buford or Mrs. Lillie Head for further information or questions.

Important News

Click HERE to go directly to the YouTube Video.

Click HERE to go directly to the YouTube Video.


the whole story

the study begins

In 1932, the United States Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute, began a study to record the natural history of syphilis in hopes of justifying treatment programs for blacks. It was called the “United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972.” The study initially involved 600 black men – 399 with syphilis, 201 who did not have the disease. The study was conducted without the benefit of patients’ informed consent. Researchers told the men they were being treated for “bad blood,” a local term used to describe several ailments, including syphilis, anemia, and fatigue. In truth, they did not receive the proper treatment needed to cure their illness. In exchange for taking part in the study, the men received free medical exams, free meals, and burial insurance. Although originally projected to last 6 months, the study actually went on for 40 years.

what went wrong

In July 1972, an Associated Press story about the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972 caused a public outcry that led the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs to appoint an Ad Hoc Advisory Panel to review the study. The panel had nine members from the fields of medicine, law, religion, labor, education, health administration, and public affairs. The panel found that the men had agreed freely to be examined and treated. However, there was no evidence that researchers had informed them of the study or its real purpose. In fact, the men had been misled and had not been given all the facts required to provide informed consent. The men were never given adequate treatment for their disease. Even when penicillin became the drug of choice for syphilis in 1947, researchers did not offer it to the subjects. The advisory panel found nothing to show that subjects were ever given the choice of quitting the study, even when this new, highly effective treatment became widely used.


the study ends & reparation begins

The advisory panel concluded that the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972 was “ethically unjustified”–the knowledge gained was sparse when compared with the risks the study posed for its subjects. In October 1972, the panel advised stopping the study at once. A month later, the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs announced the end of the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972. In the summer of 1973, a class-action lawsuit was filed on behalf of the study participants and their families. In 1974, a $10 million out-of-court settlement was reached. As part of the settlement, the U.S. government promised to give lifetime medical benefits and burial services to all living participants. The Tuskegee Health Benefit Program (THBP) was established to provide these services. In 1975, wives, widows and children were added to the program. In 1995, the program was expanded to include health as well as medical benefits. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was given responsibility for the program, where it remains today in the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. The last study participant died in January 2004. The last widow receiving THBP benefits died in January 2009. There are 12 children currently receiving medical and health benefits.

CDC study timeline


Booker T. Washington at the Atlanta Cotton Exposition, outlines his dream for black economic development and gains support of northern philanthropists, including Julius Rosenwald (President of Sears, Roebuck and Company).

Tuskegee educational experiment gains widespread support. Rosenwald Fund provides monies to develop schools, factories, businesses, and agriculture.

Booker T. Washington dies;
Robert Moton continues work.

Health is seen as inhibiting development and major health initiative is started. Syphilis is seen as major health problem. Prevalence of 35 percent observed in reproductive age population.

Aggressive treatment approach initiated with mercury and bismuth. Cure rate is less than 30 percent; treatment requires months and side effects are toxic, sometimes fatal.

“Wall Street Crash”
economic depression begins.

Rosenwald Fund cuts support to development projects. Clark and Vondelehr decide to follow men left untreated due to lack of funds in order to show need for treatment program.

Follow-up effort organized into study of 399 men with syphilis and 201 without. The men would be given periodic physical assessments and told they were being treated. Moton agrees to support study if “Tuskegee Institute gets its full share of the credit” and black professionals are involved (Dr. Dibble and Nurse Rivers are assigned to study).

First papers suggest health effects of untreated syphilis.  

Major paper published. Study criticized because it is not known if men are being treated. Local physicians asked to assist with study and not to treat men. Decision was made to follow the men until death.

Efforts made to hinder men from getting treatment ordered under the military
draft effort.

Penicillin accepted as treatment of choice for syphilis.

USPHS establishes “Rapid Treatment Centers” to treat syphilis; men in study are not treated, but syphilis declines.

Beginning in 1947, 127 black medical students are rotated through unit doing the study.

Concern raised about ethics of study by Peter Buxtun and others.

CDC reaffirms need for study and gains local medical societies’ support (AMA and NMA chapters officially support continuation of study).

First news articles condemn studies.

Study ends.

Congress holds hearings and a class-action lawsuit is filed on behalf of the
study participants.

A $10 million out-of-court settlement is reached. The U.S. government also promised to give lifetime medical benefits and burial services to all living participants; the Tuskegee Health Benefit Program (THBP) was established to provide
these services.

Wives, widows and children were added to the program.

The program was expanded to include health as well as medical benefits.

On May 16th President Clinton apologizes on behalf of the Nation.

Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care hosts 1st Annual Commemoration of the Presidential Apology.

President’s Council on Bioethics was established.

CDC funds 10 million dollar cooperative agreement to continue work at Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care.

The last United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972 participant passes away on January 16.

Tuskegee University holds formal opening of Bioethics Center.

CDC hosts Commemorating and Transforming the Legacy of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Syphilis Study at Tuskegee.

The last widow receiving THBP benefits passes away on January 27.

The children and their descendants unite to form The Voices for Our Fathers
Legacy Foundation.


the 625 men

Adair, Green
Adams, Coton
Adams, James
Adams, Louis
Albert, Prince
Alexander, Ben
Alexander, Joe
Alexander, Marion
Allen, Jefferson
Allen, Sam
Allen, Seldon
Anderson, George
Anderson, George T.
Anthony, Will
Askew, Seaborn
Austin, Alfred
Austin, Dean
Austin, George
Austin, Hyth
Austin, Nelson
Austin, Wiley

Baker, George
Banks, Early
Banks, Jack
Barrow, David
Barrow, Seth
Bascom, Bishop
Battle, Enoch
Battle, Lee
Beasley, Nathaniel
Beasley, Robert
Berry, John
Berry, Lomie
Bessick, Ed
Bessick, Ernest    
Black, Ishman
Black, Jim
Black, Wiley
Blackburn, Will
Blackman, Primus
Blackman, Tommie Lee
Bledsoe, Pustell
Borum, Muncie
Boyd, Grant
Boyd, Jimmie
Boyd, Richard Bernard
Boyd, Tobe
Brooks, Eli
Brown, Bailey
Brown, Doll
Brown, John C.
Brown, K. L
Brown, Logan
Brown, Riley
Brown, Vance
Bryant, J. R.
Bryant, Willie
Bryant, Winfield
Buchanan, Ben
Buchanan, Charlie
Buchanan, Charlie
Buchanan, Columbus
Buchanan Gene
Buchanan, John
Buchanan, Sol
Buchanan, Wash
Buford, James
Burton, William E.
Butler, Eli
Byrd, Sam

Campbell, Charlie
Campbell, Ishmael
Campbell, Jack
Campbell, Judge
Campbell, Will
Carlisle, Robert
Carmichel, Gus
Carr, Jim
Caston, Eugene
Chambliss, Henry
Chambliss, Jerry
Chambliss, Pollard
Chambliss, William
Chappel, Hillard
Chappel, Seaborn
Charlestom, Rufus
Chatman, George
Cheeks, John
Chisholm, Ben
Chisholm, Ed
Clabon, James
Clark, Joshua
Clark, Mose
Clements, Ludie
Cole, Allen
Coleman, Samuel
Collier, Isaac
Collins, Algie
Collins, Jim
Collins, John
Collins, Julius
Collice, Relice
Collins, Willie
Collis, Dan
Collis, Sylvester
Comer, Ben
Cooper, Amos
Cooper, Frank
Cooper, Gentry
Cox, Fletcher
Cox, Jeff
Cox, Redonia
Cox, Tom
Crawford, George
Crawford, Jimmie Lee
Crawford, John
Crawford, Logan
Crawford, Wash
Crawley, James
Crayton, Ernest
Crayton, Lonzie C.

Daggett, Zettie
Daniel, Albert
Daniel, Clark
Daniel, John Wesley
Daniel, Mac
Darkey, Floyd
Davis, Anthony
Davis, Bonnie
Davis, Elbert
Davis, Henry
Davis, Mariman
Davis, Martin
Day, Frank M.
Demps, Benjamin
Dennis, Nat
Dixson, Frank
Donar, Sam
Doner, Mose
Doner, Wilbert
Doner, Wiley
Donnar, Kelly
Dorsey, Alex
Dorsey, Jim
Dorsey, Will
Dowdell, Crawford
Downer, Willie
Dozier, Bill
Dubose, N. D.

Echols, D. C.
Echols, John
Echols, Pressley
Echols, Wade
Echols, Wiley
Echols, Willie
Ellingon, John A.
Ellington, Simuel
Epps, Henry
Evans, Ben
Evans, Henry Mark
Evans, Lemuel

Felton, Cleve
Felton, Tom
Fitzpatrick, Green
Fitzpatrick, Ned
Fitzpatrick, Thomas
Fitzpatrick, Willie
Foote, Bill
Foote, Joe
Ford, Abbie
Ford, Arthur
Ford, Peroy
Fort, Calvin
Fort, E. Gary
Fort, Jasper
Fort, Nathan
Fort, Sandy
Foster, Archie    
Foster, Eddie
Foster, Bonnie
Foster, David
Foster, Lee
Foster, Pomp
Foster, Reuben
Foster, William
Foy, Jim
Foy, Louis
Franklin, Ulysses

Gaines, Percy
Galgher, Ben
Gamble, Bob
Gamble, Elijah
Garner, Alfred W.
Gaston, Will
Gauchett, Nick
Germany, Albert
Germany, Fred
Gholston, Ben
Giles, Fred
Gilmer, Quincie
Gilmore, Doc
Glenn, Sam
Goode, John
Goodson, Grover
Gordon, Virgil
Gratehouse, Clayborn
Gratehouse, John E.
Gray, Desibe
Greathouse, Clifton
Green, Mose
Green, Walter
Green, Will
Greer, George
Griffin, Colonel
Griffin, Dave
Griffin, Miles    
Griffin, Samuel
Griffin, Willie
Griggs, Charlie
Grimes, Emmett
Grimes, James
Griscoll, Harvey
Grove, Frank

Hagins, G. B.
Hagood, Andrew
Hall, Cary
Hamilton, Columbus
Haney, Sherman
Hann, Freeman
Hardy, Albert
Harper, Clifton
Harper, Robert
Harris, Adolphus
Harris, Alonzo
Harris, Elisha
Harris, George
Harris, Jake
Harris, Jake
Harris, James
Harris, Lewis
Harris, Theodore
Harris, Will
Harris, Will Smuch
Harris, William
Harrison, Edward
Harrison, Willie
Hart, Frank
Hart, John
Hart, L. Z.
Harvey, Charlie
Harvey, Walter
Hatten, Ludie    
Hatten, Sandy
Hatten, Square
Hawkins, Henry
Henderson, Absalom
Henderson, Dick
Henderson, Hilliard
Henderson, James
Hendon, Ernest
Hendon, Louie
Henry, Johnnie
Hicks, Phil
Hicks, William
Hill, Phillip
Hoffman, Clayborn
Holiday, Joseph H.
Holmes, Zan
Howard, Carter
Howard, Tony
Hudson, John
Huffman, Bennie Lee
Huffman, Marcus
Hugley, Arthur
Hurt, Will
Hutchinson, Zack

Iszell, Minor

Jackson, David
Jackson, Fleming
Jackson, Isiah
Jackson, James
Jackson, Jim
Jackson, Martin
Jackson, Randall
Jackson, Roosevelt
Jackson, Stephie
Jackson, Tom Pony
Jackson, Tommy J.    
James, Clinton
James, George
James, Jessie
James, John C.
James, Jorden
James, Wilbert
Jenkins, Howard
Jenkins, West
Jenkins, William, Jr.
Jenkins, Willie
Jenkins, Willie
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Feagin
Johnson, G. C.
Johnson, Jimmie
Johnson, Johnnie J.
Johnson, Price
Johnson, Simon
Johnson, Spencer
Johnson, Sylvester
Johnson, Thomas J. C.
Johnson, Tommie
Jones, Chancey
Jones, Clifford
Jones, Dan Jeff
Jones, Hayes
Jones, Henry
Jones, Major
Jones, Roosevelt
Jones, Shepherd L.
Jones, Willie
Jones, Willie Moffett
Jonking, Jim
Julkes, Albert
Julkes, Ephrom
Julkes, Warren

Kelley, John K.
Kelly, Ad
Kelly, Mitchell
Kennebrew, Usher
Key, Charlie B.
Key, George
Key, Henry
Key, Jesse
Key, Nathan
Key, Ned
Kindell, R. T.
Kitt, Edmond

Laine, Nathaniel
Lane, John Edward
Lane, Johnnie W.
Lane, Wylie
Laster, James
Laury, Andrew
Levett, William
Lewis, Peter
Lewis, Sherman
Ligon, Riley
Lockett, George
Lockwood, W. P.
Long, Sims
Long, Will
Love, Milton
Loveless, Ed
Loyd, Ernest

Macon, V. M.
Maddox, Jesse
Mahone, Dave L.
Mahone, Fonzie
Manley, Charlie Young
Martin, Governor
Martin, Lewis
Martin, Roosevelt
Martin, Wesley
Mason, Frazier
Mays, Clabon
McGrady, Thomas
McKee, Essex
McMullen, Wash
McNeill, Willie
Menefee, Joe
Menefee, John
Miles, William
Mims, Richard
Mindingal, Samuel
Mitchell, Gary
Mitchell, John
Moore, Aaron
Moore, Abner
Moore, Alonzo
Moore, Ezekiel
Moore, Felix
Moore, Frank
Moore, Marshall
Moore, Willie Bill
Morgan, Lenza
Morrest, Hobbie
Moss, Frank
Moss, Frederick
Moss, Grant
Moss, John J.
Moss, Otis
Motley, Peter
Mott, Julius
Murphy, Dock
Murray, Albert
Multry, Jim
Myrick, I. S.

Neal, Rufus
Neal, Rubin
Norwood, Ed
Nunley, Willie

Ogletree, York    
O’Neal, Thaddeus

Pace, Eddie
Pace, Elmore
Pace, Evans
Pace, George
Pace, Henry
Pace, Lonzie
Pace, Nelse
Pace, Otis
Pace, Steve
Padgett, Whitelaw
Parker, Eli
Parker, Will
Patterson, Cleve
Paulk, Frank
Payne, Ludie
Pearsall, Pender
Pendleton, John
Pendleton, Ed D.
Phillips, Tom
Phillips, Charlie
Phillips, Ed
Phillips, John Williams
Phillips, Ned
Philpot, Prince
Philpot, Roland
Pinkard, Charlie
Pinkard, Charlie Lee
Plezes, Walter
Polk, Albert
Pollard, Charlie
Pollard, Elbert
Pollard, Lucius
Pollard, Osburn
Pollard, Vertis
Pollard, Will
Pollard, Woodie
Porch, Bertha
Potts, Jethro
Pruitt, Taylor
Pugh, Armistead
Pugh, Arthur

Randolph, Joe
Randolph, Johnnie
Randolph, Major
Randolph, Robert
Ray, George
Ray, William
Reed, Andrew
Reed, Doughlas
Reed, Fletcher
Reynolds, Charles
Reynolds, Gus
Rhone, C. H.
Ries, Clinton
Robbins, Tom
Roberson, Lige
Roberts, Bob Lee
Robinson, Albert
Robinson, Butler
Rockmore, Ben
Rogers, Henry
Rowell, Charlie
Rowell, Edmond
Rowell, Theodore
Ruff, R. L.
Rush, Lieutenant
Rush, Wash
Russell, Clarence
Russell, Jeff
Russell, Willie

Samuel, Bill
Samuel, George    
Samuel, Odell
Samuel, Tom George
Sanford, Emmet
Sanford, Fletcher
Scott, Lester
Scott, Nelson
Scott, William
Seatts, John
Shaw, Charlie
Shaw, Herman
Shelton, John
Shelton, Purvies
Shumpert, Paul
Simmons, Freddie
Simmons, John
Simpson, Bennie
Simpson, Simmie
Sinclair, Anderson
Sinclair, Oscar
Sistrunk, Henry
Slaughter, John
Smith, Cain
Smith, Dudley
Smith, Eugene
Smith, Hillard
Smith, Jimmie
Smith, Joe
Smith, John Wesley
Smith, Lieutenant
Smith, Low
Smith, Richard
Smith, Robert Harvey
Smith, Thomas Kelly
Sparks, Ed
Speed, Olin
Spivey, Jim
Stewart, Mack
Storey, Millard    
Swanson, Mark
Swanson, Please, Sr.
Swanson, Tom
Swanson, Tump
Swanson, Will Bossy
Swanson, Willie
Swift, Lawrence
Swift, Son
Swint, Andrew

Talbert, Oscar
Talley, Louis
Tarver, Eugene
Tarver, Oscar
Tate, Edward
Tate, Louis
Tate, Robert Lee
Tatum, Mayso
Tatum, Sylvester
Taylor, Richard
Taylor, Van
Taylor, Warn
Twemple, George
Theney, Bob
Thomas, Jessie
Thomas, Pat
Thompson, Peter
Thompson, Willis
Tinsley, Edison
Todd, Walter
Tolbert, George Washington
Tolbert, Jim
Tolbert, Ocie
Tramble, Willie
Trammell, Percy
Tredwell, Alf
Turk, Will
Turner, Joe
Turner, West
Turpin, Jim
Tyner, Stephen
Tyson, Freddie Lee

Upshaw, Milton

Veal, Jim
Veals, Coleman

Wade, Mitchell
Waggoner, John
Walker, Andrew
Walker, John Warren
Walls, Joe Nathan
Ware, Alex
Warren, Altlee
Warren, Ed
Warren, Sonnie
Watson, John Henry
Watson, John L.
Watt, Willie
Weathers, Alonzo
Weatherspoon, Sam
Webb, William
Welch, Dan
West, Anthony
Wheat, Tobe
Wheeler, Jake
White, Archie
White, Leonard
White, Sonny
Whitlow, Ed
Whitlow, Motelle
Williams, Albert
Williams, Andrew
Williams, Bill
Williams, Bill Henry
Williams, Bill Jesse
Willaim, Coleman
Williams, Eugene
Williams, George
Williams, Henry
Williams, James
Williams, Lewis
Williams, Mathew
Williams, Meshach
Williams, Morris
Williams, Reuben
Williams, Steve J.
Williams, Tom
Willis, J. W.
Willis, Wilbur
Wilson, Governor
Wilson, Houston
Wilson, Logan
Wilson, Roy
Wimbush, James
Wood, Charlie, Jr.
Wood, Charlie, Sr.
Wood, Grant
Wood, Louis
Woodall, Nelson
Woodall, R. D. 
Woolfolk, Jessie
Wright, Clarence
Wright, Ernest
Wright, Jim
Wright, Ludie
Wright, Rev. T. W.
Wright, Will
Wyatt, Tom

Yancey, Booker
Yarbrough, Mark
York, Harrison
Young, Jack

the foundation

who we are

Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation was organized in 2014 by descendants of the 625 men unethically and immorally treated in the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972. The organization is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that connects descendants across generations, provides annual scholarships to descendants, participates in the Research Project: “The Untold Story”, offers support and guidance to the Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care, while pursuing all other strategic plans. 

2017 Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation Meeting Attendees

2017 Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation Meeting Attendees

the importance of our foundation

Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation is a necessary change to the narrative of the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972 about 625 African American men who were subjected to inhuman and unethical healthcare and treatment in rural Macon County, Alabama for forty years. They cannot remain being remembered only as poor, uneducated, uninformed guinea pigs. The United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama 1932 - 1972 had tremendous ramifications on the small Macon County community and African Americans communities around the Nation. In today’s culture we are witnessing growing disparities in health care amongst those in most need and enduring social injustices. It is incumbent upon the Foundation to become an agent that will promote and advocate for ethical treatment in health care. It is also important that the Foundation move forward with purposeful actions while remembering their suffering and sacrifices.

2018 Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation Meeting Attendees

2018 Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation Meeting Attendees


annual membership dues: $25

Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation Crest

Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation Crest

Listen to the Sound of My Heart

 By Leo Ware


Having a vision for the Crest and a heavy heart, the symbols that appear in this Crest are those that I gathered over many years.  If you notice the date and time, the idea and the vision came to me in the Kellogg Center which appear at the bottom right of the Crest.  The tools and plow belonged to my father and were passed to me, they are part of the collections that were transported from Alabama to my home in Orlando Florida.  The idea of the plow, I was going to make a mailbox stand at my home in Orlando Florida.  The heart symbol is a candy dish that my Aunt Emma Ware gave to me, which is in my living room on a table in Orlando Florida.  The Bible was also given to me by Aunt Emma which includes a passage that fit the incidents that have occurred in the study.  It was on an index card that stated “A bruised reed He (God) will not break, and a smoldering wick He (God) will not snuff out, till He leads justice to victory.  In his name the nations will get their hope.” Matthews 12:20-21.  I used this passage in a lot of correspondence with the documents that I sent to the Courts of Alabama about the case and to other Senators, Judges, Congress Representatives, Ministers, my family Petition.  The numbers in the Center of the Cross-represent the men that were in the Study, the? mark is there because in documents there was a conflict of these numbers.  My thought also, was it did not reflect the women and children that might have been affected.  There is no clear total.  The white doves represent love in spite of it all, let your love shine, go Green, save the environment for our future generation.  The cemetery picture was taken years ago, from where that picture was taken you could observe the sunset and also Charlie Pollards headstone.  The P, I designed for the Pollard Family Reunion Crest, years ago which was conceived at the Family Reunion in 1998 in Washington DC.  The vision for this are that there are a lot of Pollard family members that were in the study.  Why not people of color made in God’s image.  That and other things that you notice were a vision that I arrived at which I thought would make this identifying mark.  With all these symbols, I think it was Gods will that this Crest be done.

The song that is narrated for the Crest was also incidental.  I was visiting in Columbia South Carolina and attended an Alumni Concert of Booker T Washington High School with Beverly Brooks (Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation member) and her Godmother Ms. Jean Hopkins that sings on this choir.  The song which is an old Negro Spiritual (Go Down Moses) which was rearranged & directed by Dr. Carl Wells, Minister of Second Calvary Church in Columba SC was being sung.  I said “that is the song for the meaning of the Crest”, Dr. Wells left the concert early because he had another engagement and so did Beverly and I, we ran into him in the parking lot and I told him what I was trying to do, he sent me the song with his blessing (look at Gods favor).  I then traveled to Cleveland, Ohio to visit my sister Nadine Tolbert and my brother Lee Edward Ware who are also descendants of the Study and my brother had a friend that had a studio and a voice for recording and he agreed to record and narrate the song (for a fee) for the meaning of the Crest.  Gods Will! 

This is the story of the Crest and the song. 

This story was meant to be told… 

2024 - 2025 BOARD MEMBERS

Lillie Tyson Head

Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Baums
vice president
public relations committee chair

Joyce Tyson Christian
strategic planning chair

Janie Holmes
annual scholarship banquet chair

Clemmon Julkes
former acting treasurer


 2024 - 2025 Committee Chairs

Evella Gaston Mack
Membership Tri Chair

Peggy F Tatum
Membership Tri Chair

Theilene F Dawson Williams Membership Tri Chair

Amy Pack
Inspiration Plaza and Memorial Chair

Carmen Head Thornton, Ph.D.
Financial Chair

Bishop Deirdre Parker Jackson
Scholarship Chair

Kimberly Buford, Ph.D.
Assistant Scholarship Chair

t h e s c h o l a r s h i p

2024 Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation Scholarship Winners

Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation awarded a total of $13,000.00
to six descendants for the academic year 2024 - 2025.

Lillie Tyson Head, President
Bishop Deirdre Parker Jackson, Scholarship Committee Chair
Kimberly Buford, Ph.D, Scholarship Committee Co-Chair

Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation honors and remembers the legacies of the 625 African American men who were victims in the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama, 1932-1972.  In 2024 six scholarships were awarded, totaling $13,000.00. We are rising to a new level of opportunities and purpose to benefit the young generation of descendants. Scholarships are available to descendants who are graduating high school seniors who have applied and been accepted at an accredited two-year or four-year higher education institution and to college students working towards their undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degrees. All applicants must have maintained a 3.0 point or better grade point average and have thoroughly completed the scholarship application. To date, the total amount of awarded scholarships given by Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation since 2017 is $51,000.00.  Our goal is to be instrumental in helping to provide scholarship funds to descendants with the intent of lifting up 625 new voices in the fields of bioethics and health sciences, expand the ethics of care, and create a new tapestry of hope, healing, and trust.

Scholarship Applications for the 2024-2025 Academic Year will be accepted
Through FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2024.
apply below.

Scholarship Awardees will be NOTIFIED IN JUNE

2024 scholarship awardees


Must be a descendant (directly or indirectly) of one or more participants in the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama, 1932-1972. Applicant must have a 3.0 average on a 4.0 scale. Applicant must have and present in writing, an expressed need for financial assistance. The scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior or student enrolled at an accredited educational institution in a two-year or four-year program or at the graduate level.


Download the scholarship application and instructions for applying. Return to the email address listed below, or mail to the address listed on the application.



scholarship donations are greatly



For more information about the scholarship please email us.

BISHOP Deirdre Parker Jackson




Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Scholarship Applications are available from January 2, 2024 to March 15, 2024. 




 Join Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation Today!

Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation is a non-profit organization formed by descendants of the 625 African American uninformed men from Tuskegee/Macon County, Alabama who were victims of physical and social abuse in the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama, 1932-1972 for forty years, 1932-1972.  If you have not joined the Foundation, please consider doing so. And, if you have already joined, please recruit other family members, friends and supporters. 
